Munich: The Edge of War

Munich: The Edge of War

2h 10m
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Based on the international bestseller by Robert Harris. It is Autumn 1938 and Europe stands on the brink of war. Adolf Hitler is preparing to invade Czechoslovakia and Neville Chamberlain’s government desperately seeks a peaceful solution. With the pressure building, Hugh Legat, British civil servant, and Paul von Hartmann, German diplomat, travel to Munich for the emergency Conference. As negotiations begin, the two old friends find themselves at the center of a web of political subterfuge and very real danger.—Netflix



Liv Lisa Fries


George MacKay

Hugh Legat

Jannis Niewöhner

Paul von Hartmann

Paul-Ernest Flanagan

Foreman Frank Wright (as Paul Ernest-Flanagan)


Though Hartmann and Legat are fictional, Harris confirms that they are partially inspired by the diplomat Adam von Trott zu Solz and the scholar AL Rowse. The latter, who was gay, wrote about his intense platonic attachment to Trott at Oxford. Trott, though a considerably less amiable character than the fictional Hartmann, went on to join Claus von Stauffenberg’s 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler. It failed and Trott was executed.





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