Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

1h 37m
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Nancy Stokes, a 55-year-old widow, is yearning for some adventure, human connection, and some sex–some good sex.



Emma Thompson

Nancy Stokes

Daryl McCormack

Leo Grande

Les Mabaleka

Delivery Person

Lennie Beare

Person on Bike


Daryl McCormack and Emma Thompson did not require an intimacy coordinator to orchestrate their sex scenes. “We just thought if we really focus on getting to know one another and being comfortable with one another, that we’ll be able to do all the work ourselves,” McCormack explains, describing what sounds like an intense, method-acting approach. “We would walk to set together, we would walk home together. We would eat together, run the lines for the next day together, go to sleep and then repeat. So, for like a good four weeks we were just living in each other’s pockets and we became so close. We are very close now.”





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